Swiffy converts Flash SWF files to HTML5, allowing you to reuse Flash content on devices without a Flash player (such as iPhones and iPads). Swiffy can’t yet convert DoubleClick Studio creatives. With the Swiffy Extension, you can publish to HTML5 right from Adobe Flash Professional. This makes using Flash to develop HTML5 animations much easier. The extension accesses Google Swiffy as a web service, so you always use the most recent version of Swiffy.
Swiffy supports many common SWF features such as vector graphics, embedded fonts, images and timeline animation. Basic ActionScript 2.0 code is supported, but don’t expect to convert your favorite Flash game yet. Blend modes and parts of the ActionScript libraries are not supported. The Swiffy compiler will warn you when unsupported SWF features are encountered.
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Export to HTML5 with one command: The new “Export to HTML5 (Swiffy)” item in the “Commands” menu exports your file to HTML5 and opens the result in your default web browser. Assigning a keyboard shortcut to this command makes it even easier.
Swiffy converts SWF files (the file format for Flash) to HTML5. It allows Flash authors to make their animations available on modern browsers without the need for a plugin. You can simply save the HTML file that is generated and include it on your website using an < iframe > tag, or you can embed the output directly into a page by copying the < script > tags from the output to your own page.
When using the “Save as” option of your browser, use the “HTML only” or “page source” save option. Swiffy uses SVG, a standardised format for vector graphics. SVG features used by Swiffy are supported by Webkit-based browsers such as Safari (on desktop and mobile) and Google Chrome. Firefox 5 has almost complete support for SVG, but does not support SVG fonts.