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Dec 1, 2011

To Know About World AIDS Day

  World AIDS Day (WAD) is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV and AIDS. WAD, organized by The National AIDS Trust, increases awareness of the dangers of HIV and AIDS, including the challenges finding a cure, efforts to prevent the disease and the obstacles faced by those living with the virus.

World AIDS Day takes place annually on December 1.

How To Show Your Support On World

  HIV/AIDS is more than a chronic illness. Millions are infected worldwide and there is still no cure for the deadly virus. There are many ways in which you can support prevention and cure efforts on World AIDS Day and throughout the year:
  • FacebookMyspaceTwitter It
    Pick your social app of choice (or choose them all) and spread the world about World AIDS Day. Tell your buddies, your family and your friends that HIV and AIDS are still a global concern and we must all spread messages of prevention and awareness. It's been over 25 years since the first reported AIDS case and we still have yet to find a cure.
  • Blog About It
    Get all of the facts and information you need to know at HIV/AIDS on and join the campaign to increase HIV/AIDS awareness.
  • Ad The Badge
    Show your support by adding the "Facing AIDS" badges to your blog or social app page
  HIV Symptoms
  What are HIV symptoms? What are the symptoms of HIV? This is the question I get more than any other. But because many people who have been infected with HIV have few or no HIV symptoms, HIV testing is the only way to know for sure if you are infected. There are, however, an assortment of HIV symptoms that can be associated with a new HIV infection.
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